Terry Hucks,
Born in Lubbock, Texas
Started in broadcasting as a on air DJ at a local radio station and at
night at a local nightclub in the 70’s. Married with 3 awesome young men
Cason24, Braden 26 and Austin 29. I've been married to my wife Mindy...
Terry Hucks, Born in Lubbock, Texas Started in broadcasting as a on air DJ at a local radio station and at night at a local nightclub in the 70’s. Married with 3 awesome young men Cason24, Braden 26 and Austin 29. I've been married to my wife Mindy for 32 years. I got Into sales in radio and fell in love with sales and building relationships. I moved up over my career to running radio and TV stations until 2021 before I moved into business development with Wells Fargo. 40 years in business development and marketing. Love the Lord, my family, friends and my country. My life long dream was to get into motivational and faith based speaking.